"Preserving our tribal culture,
protecting our lands,
and empowering our people."

Midway Lake, Tetlin, Alaska
President Hoover established the Tetlin Reserve by Executive Order 5365 on June 10, 1930. Congress granted the entire boundaries of the Tetlin Reservation as established by President Hoover to the federally recognized tribe of the Native Village of Tetlin. However, December 18, 1971, President Nixon signed the Alaska Native Claims, Settlement Act 42 U.S.C. § 1601 (ANCSA) mandating tribes establish Regional and Village Corporations under laws of the State of Alaska. Tetlin Native Corporation (TNCorp) was incorporated July 12, 1973, as the exclusive village corporation for the Native Village of Tetlin. The Congressional land patent granted to TNCorp, May 18, 1981, was 743,147.34 acres of the original Tetlin Reserve. In lieu of cash settlement, TNCorp received both surface and subsurface rights to their ANCSA designated land. TNCorp land, which embodies the Alaska Highway's gateway to the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge, is shareholder-owned under ANCSA restricted stock and managed by an elected uncompensated Board of Directors.
A breathtaking panoramic view of Tetlin lands before reaching the Village of Tetlin, Alaska.
(c) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service